Monthly Archives: July 2011

Air Time

Air Time

A couple of weeks ago, we were able to set up a photo shot with a local mountain biker who was willing to put his ...


Durango, Colorado Wedding . . .

Durango, Colorado Wedding . . .

Talk about a wonderful wedding . . . This was simply stunning in every detail. The facility was very nice and accommodating to all. The ...


Megan and Kenneth chose the Country Life Wedding . . .

Megan and Kenneth chose the Country Life Wedding . . .

Some people just simply like the country life. So when Kenneth asked Megan to marry him, he was hoping that they could do so, by ...


Foto Booth – Krebs / Anderson at Bozarth Mansion . . .

Foto Booth – Krebs / Anderson at Bozarth Mansion . . .

Well . . . the foto booth got a really good workout on this one for sure. And yes . . . there are a ...