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This weekend’s activites – - -

Since our company has been active members and participants with PSA for years, and the fact that I currently hold the position of Region Director of PSA for the Region 26 / Inland Northwest, we thought it only proper to let all of you know of this wonderful seminar this weekend. If you have any interest in photography at any level, this is a DO NOT MISS. We will have Dan Dekan and Skye Perrigo in attendance as well as myself. Skye will be shooting some documentary footage of this event and we will put a few stills up on Monday so anyone who could not make this event can see what this was all about. Franz Lanting is one of the best speakers and internationally known photographers in the world. Below is a rundown of what this seminar is all about. At last count, I believe Gerald Biggs said we had over 240 signed up and over 120 for the field trips.

Hope to see you there.


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Notes: Inland Empire Chapter of PSA Presnets
Spring Seminar, 2009

March 28-29th is the weekend to note on your calender. Internationally known Frans Lanting will present Saturday at Spokane Falls Comminity College, Building 15. On Sunday, Otto Stevens and a host of helpers are going to lead five separate all day field trips to several locations. Details available on www.psainlandempire.org or the semiinar brochure available from Otto Stevens, John Dean, FPSA, Steve Shining, APSA or BobGriffith, FPSA, EPSA.

Lanting’s presentation will be, “Life: The Unfolding Journey”. Frans Lanting’s program presents a remarkable vision of the story of life on Earth from the Big Bang to the present that speaks to the future for all life on planet Earth. Seven years ago Lanting set off on a journey of photographic discovery that parallels new scientific insights about the history of life. His search has been wide-ranging and provocative, leading him from microscopic worlds to primordial landscapes that preserve time capsules of life’s history. The result is a glorious celebration of planet Earth that inspires and informs through images and stories of the amazing biodiversity that surrounds us all. The journey culminates in a new vision of nature as a collective force that maintains our planet’s atmosphere–the protective membrane essential to all life. At a time when humans are realizing their global impact on the atmosphere, LIFE sets the stage for seeing a path to the future that rises from an understanding of life’s astonishing past.

Sunday, March 29, five separate all-day field trips will be available to seminar participants and spouces (or significant other). Destinations are: 1) Inside Spokane (2) Channeled Scablands to Lincoln County (3) Memorabilia, Mountains & Missions (4) Northwest portion of the Palouse (5) Southeast to Palouse, WA & into Idaho. Details for these trips may also be obtained on the web site or seminar brochure noted above

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