I wanted to post my thoughts on this increasingly deteriorating practice. And after last nights Professional Photographers of Washington meeting, I feel compelled to “call it like it is.” I have to start this post by heavily complementing Brady Campbell for having the “noogies” (ha), to be outspoken on this issue. I cannot agree with him more. Brady, even though one of his prints did merit at the recent PPA / PPW – Olympia convention, saw just how ridiculous this judging methodology actually is and has been for a very long time. Now clearly know, that this is NOT directed towards PPW specifically, but towards our current industry as a whole. My experience comes from various other professional photographic organizations who do exactly the same thing. I remember PDN running many photography contests throughout each year, “which I entered and paid for” many, many times. Now I am aware that there are literally thousands of entries in each of these. And yes, I am also aware that judging a photograph is always SUBJECTIVE. I (and I think Brady would agree with this), can understand that the image we submit, “:may not” be the best of the best in every judges opinion. What I cant understand is when they publish or announce the winners (which have beat ours out), and they TOTALLY SUCK!!! Since when does an out of focus, over-exposed, improperly composed, incorrect color, dust spots everywhere image be deserving of being ranked higher than dozens, if not hundreds or other images that are simply stunning? Has this world simply gone mad? What happened to the BASICS OF PROPER PHOTOGRAPHY? Do we not teach the simple “rule of thirds” any longer? Do we not teach photographers what a stunning photograph consists of?
So for some time now, I have stopped entering my images in these contests. My clients love them and keep coming back year after year. I make a decent living producing what I feel is creative beyond the norm and still encompasses the BASICS OF WHAT A STUNNING IMAGE HAS ALWAYS BEEN.
So I want to leave you today with something to think about.
PDN regularly has photo contest that cost an average of $35 per entry. The last time I checked one of these contests, they proudly boasted over 600 photographers with an average of at least 6 photos. Have you added this up? And take a look at the prises. Seriously? Ok . . . to be fair here, the grand prize in each category does include the photograph published in an upcoming edition. That would be AWESOME!!!
If only I knew how to make a photograph be this “less than many others” and still win.
They make a quarter of a million dollars off of this contest and have judges who pick images like they have no clue what they are doing. Does that make since to you? And for those who think I am just sore about not winning . . . PLEASE come into the studio and I will show you what we entered and what these EXPERT judges picked over hundreds of other excellent images. You be the judge and tell us honestly if you would not be shaking your head as we are.
Brady . . . you are welcome at my campfire anytime. I value the fact that you are a no-bullshit man and businessman.
Ok - – - I’m down off my soapbox now.