… Our server upgrade and migration is complete – and now we’re back up and online. It all seemed to go very smoothly. We decided to switch over to Hostgator. It’s incredible: a terabyte of storage and unlimited bandwidth for a fraction of our previous hosting fees. You guys will definitely notice a speed increase when checking out our galleries, too. We’re happy.
This afternoon, Deke and Kevin are headed down to New Mexico, then over to Arizona to meet with some high-ups at some upscale hotels in the area in the hopes of creating some partnerships down there. Wish them luck! And stay tuned for a report when they get back.
I’m headed over to Vantage tomorrow to take advantage of the spring-like conditions and do some climbing… and, on a related note: I FINALLY finished culling my photos from my Mt Hood climb last month (on the 15th of February). It was beautiful. Not a cloud in the sky. We left the parking lot a bit after midnight, and I didn’t turn my headlamp on until day break. The moon was crazy-bright. Here are a few photos from the trip. Enjoy!
This is the SHADOW of Mt hood around day break.
Andre headed up.
Andre again.
Andre on the Hog’s Back.
Really Tired.
Nice black and white. Love it . . .